Jerry Rishe
I’ve been a member of SAGE for over a decade and I’m not alone. There are many who have been in our organization longer than that. Why? We love learning and sharing intellectually stimulating dialogue. SAGE classes are much more than names, dates and minutiae.
My colleagues in SAGE are my teachers, fellow students and friends. We have keenly curious people from their 60s well into their 90s. We have retired teachers, professors, scientists, engineers, physicians, attorneys, those with financial expertise and varied other backgrounds. We have classes in U.S. and world history, visual and performing arts, science, business and religion. If those areas don’t peak your interest then know that all our members can suggest topics for our volunteer curriculum committee to consider.
Beyond learning from each other we have socialized together, attended outside events together, and sponsored programs of interest to the entire community such as our recent forum reviewing every pending ballot measure.
When I was about to retire I was often asked what I was going to do with my new found time. When a friend suggested I try Sage I did, and have never regretted the decision. If you are inquisitive and want to continue learning with like-minded contemporaries Sage is the organization for you.
Shirely and Terry Docken
My name is Shirley D. I was a marketing account manager and a prior customer service manager. After 35 years I retired. I love to read books and was in a book club since the late 1970’s. In 2019, I met a SAGE member who invited me to an Open House at SAGE. My husband, a retired school teacher, wanted to go with me. We were impressed by the opportunity to learn and discuss new topics, learn about music, see new and old movies and meet new friends. We gladly joined SAGE. We took a class on Russian composers and we talked about Mussorgsky. We had a movie class where we would view the movie in class and have a chance to discuss the film. We enjoyed the class participants and the class discussions.
Then came the Pandemic. Everything closed down. No classes, no concerts, no movie theatres, no public gatherings. Luckily SAGE has a Zoom gurus,who introduced Zoom classes to us and we were able to continue with a number of interesting options…all facilitated on Zoom. We were able to scratch our itch for intellectual curiosity in movies, music, literature, gardens, world history, etc. We took Zoom classes on International and Film Noir movies, Great Gardens of the World, Great Trials, High Middle Ages, etc. We were grateful for being able to be in touch with people and meeting new classmates through Zoom.
“SAGE” which stands for Study, Activity, Growth & Enrichment has done that for us!
Shirley & Terry Docken
Frank Diaz
I was fortunate to work in a profession where there were no carry-over assignments, projects, or committee work to deal with. My work began and ended each day. As you can imagine that left me enough free time to indulge in my favorite hobby: reading. When I retired, I joined a couple of book clubs but they did not completely satisfy my need for intellectual stimulation. I was lucky that I met a couple of SAGEmembers in those book clubs. I joined SAGE and found the mental stimulation I needed, but I also found people I could relate to on a more personal basis–I found friends.
John Aalto
I heard of SAGE about fifteen years ago, ten years before I retired. A few years later, after I retired as a consulting engineer I attended a SAGE open house. After chatting with the first person I met, I sensed this was someone who I would love to talk to more. But then I soon met others who I found equally interesting and engaging. Several months later, after I began my first class, I was a little intimidated at the backgrounds of some of my fellow classmates (attorneys, academics, clergy). However, there were a few others, including several engineers, so I knew I would not be alone with my predominantly technical training and experience.
I think my first class was on utopian societies and I was so impressed with the facilitator’s gift for explaining the subject so simply and for fostering a sense of curiosity and openness. I would learn, in time, that this was a hallmark of all SAGE classes that I was to take. I’ve heard that the best way to learn about a subject is to teach it. The SAGE model, asks every class member to learn about, prepare, and present their topic of choice in the context of the course description. This model does indeed result in superior learning. I took that first chosen topic very seriously. A part of my motivation to work hard at the preparation was my fascination with what I learn in my research. I feared everyone else would know more than I did but I found that in a group discussion, there are always others that have more to add.
I feel well-rewarded with my participation in each course I’ve taken and I have so enjoyed meeting new SAGE members and seeing familiar faces from previous courses. They all bring unique knowledge, experience and an openness to others. SAGE has added a very rich dimension to my life and look forward to many more years of SAGE courses and SAGE friendships in the future.
Cookie Berma
Signing up for a SAGE course is like embarking on a mini-adventure. The terrain is always new and interesting, there’s much to explore, the conversations are stimulating, and I’ve met some delightful fellow travelers along the way.
SAGE has enriched my life. I look forward to the selection of new courses, and new adventures, each quarter.
Rosalie Pechersky
SAGE Learning in Retirement has been a lifeline to me for almost eight years. Shortly after I retired as a laboratory administrator, I was seeking continuing education. I had tried some local classes requiring no homework but I lasted only a few weeks. I wanted something more enriching. I continued looking for an educational program for seniors of high-caliber and breadth of learning that offered topics that I would enjoy, a university-level extension type class where retired professionals would attend and share their knowledge.
Then I discovered SAGE and became interested in its class format based on the quarter system. It’s amazing to be able to learn so much that is new about the world. I have met like-minded seniors at SAGE, and we have outside activities together that we share. It is so very gratifying to be learning in a group setting of professionals where we learn from each other. I encourage others who want to learn and share to join SAGE as I did. Continued learning has made a positive difference in my life, and I value the friendships that I have made in SAGE.
Tirza Haviv
When I retired I felt a bit lost. Going from managing two departments, handling a large system in the corporate world, to suddenly having all this free time, no responsibilities, and no high stress environment – wonderful and scary right? Something though was definitely missing.
When I joined SAGE I understood all of a sudden that the world can be so much more interesting than just a job. I learned so much, beyond any of my expectations. American history, world history, art, science, literature, and so much more. I was surrounded by interesting and intelligent people that stimulate my brain and my own thinking. When I do research, I learn so much, and when I have a discussion I learn even more. When I go out for classes, activities, and events I form wonderful and lifetime friendships with interesting people. And I have loads of fun as a bonus.
Come join us, it’s about learning, friendships, and a great experience.
Barbara Vogel
Joining the SAGE community is one of the best decisions of my life. From the very beginning six years ago, the opportunity to talk with intelligent people about salient topics and interests was very satisfying, but when the pandemic hit and classes moved to Zoom, SAGE saved my life!! Instead of being “stuck at home”, I was at home taking three zoom classes a week and feeling involved and stimulated.
The people in SAGE come from all different careers and this means we learn a lot from each other. In addition, SAGE members are friendly, outgoing and hard working in the pursuit of creating classes that meet the interests of all the members. Music, history, science, literature, movies – there is something for everybody. And if you don’t find it you can create it.
I admire all of the volunteer talent that has gone into creating a Zoom platform and recently the same tireless volunteers have worked to create a hybrid system where we can either meet in-person, or connect on zoom to continue the pleasures of taking new classes.
If you are a retired person who has always enjoyed learning, SAGE is a highly satisfying place to continue your journey.